Monday, April 23, 2012

Upcoming Showings

There are two screenings of
Nona Beamer: A Legacy of Aloha
coming up on May, both free!

May 13
Palace Theater Mother's Day Show,
Hilo Hawai`i

May 27   7:30
Puna Music Festival,
Kalani Retreat, Puna, Hawai`i
Call them about the chef special
dinner before the show

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Many Thanks!

A big mahalo to all those who came to see the screening yesterday! You were such a lovely audience I wanted to take you home with me!
Thank you to John Mason, Big Island Film Commissioner, for doing such a good job with the introduction and the Q&A session afterwards. You made it easy for me being on stage when I would have much preferred being in the audience.
Thank you Karen for inviting me to screen at the Palace Theater, and then getting out of your sick bed to be there!
Thank you Laurie, Judy, Bea, James and Debbie for the beautiful leis. I felt so honored and smelled so good!
Thank you to all the lovely folks who brought desserts for the reception.
Thank you to the Palace staff for doing an awesome job.
This sounds like an Academy Award speech, but those Oscar winners can't feel more happy and grateful than I do. And of course there would have been no film without all the people who shared their stories with me, the people who shared their music and dance. Mahalo nui loa to all!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Poster Number Two

This beautiful poster was designed by the
graphic artist for the Palace theater. Mahalo!

Friday, April 6, 2012

POSTER for the Premiere of "Nona Beamer: A Legacy of Aloha"

I hope you can come!
btw:The Palace theater is in Hilo, Hawai`i

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